Youth, Democracy, Inclusiveness

Youth, Democracy, Inclusiveness


Kéri Júlia tréner

In the framework of the Citizen-rights project trainers of the Foundation for Democratic Youth in co-operation with the Hungarian Europe Society held sessions about democratic rights and responsibility for altogether hundred students of the Petrik Lajos Bilingual Secondary School, the Alternative Secondary School of Economics, the Városmajori Secondary School and the Politechnikum between November 2015 and January 2016. The interactive discussions brought up a lot of hot issues such as the refugee crisis, the fear of terrorism, multiculturalism and freedom of speech. 

Relevant Open Space Publication
01 November 2015.
International conference organised by HES: "The Future of Democracy and the Summit for Democracy from the Perspective of a Hungarian NGO" Date: 26 November 2022, Saturday CONFERENCE RECORDINGS on the YouTube Channel of HES PROGRAM Media coverage: Details of the Conference in the Report of Klubrádió...