Discussion at the Buda Liberal Club

Discussion at the Buda Liberal Club

What are the consequences of the "unorthodox" economic policy of the last 8 years in Hungary? Are the artificially inflated business empires of the oligarchs going to collapse? Is Hungary ready to join the euro-zone? Is the  introduction of the unconditional basic income feasible and necessary in Hungary? These were the issues among others at the crossroads of politics and economy discussed on 19 February 2018 between Györgyi Kocsis and István Csillag, former Hungarian minister of the socialist - free democrat government.

At the annual meeting of the Hungarian Europe Society István Hegedűs was re-elected as chairman of the organisation on 3 November 2011. Jerzy Celichowski and Györgyi Kocsis have become the two vice-chairpersons.
On 25 May 2013, in the weekly HVG, Györgyi Kocsis analysed the position of the Hungarian Socialist Party on the potential disenfranchisement of the Hungarian government in the Council of the European Union.
"Changing models of media authorities" - was the title of the public debate held on October 3rd in the House of the European Union by the Center for Independent Journalism and the Mérték Médiaelemző Műhely (a think tank for media research and analysis).
Györgyi Kocsis, vice-chairwoman of the Hungarian Europe Society was the moderator of a public debate on the role of the public media organised by the Independent Media Center and the Mérték Media Monitor on 31 January 2014 in the House of the European Union in Budapest.
The analysis of Györgyi Kocsis entitled "Nem tisztelt ház. Mit mondanak ki, és mit hallgatnak el a pártok EP-programjai?" was published in HVG on 17 May 2014.