Ukraine at Turning Point

Ukraine at Turning Point


Debunking Disinformation & Fake News on Ukraine's Labour Migration -

The Hungarian Europe Society together with Europe Without Barriers organised a workshop entitled "Ukraine at Turning Point - Debunking Disinformation & Fake News on Ukraine's Labour Migration" on 20 May 2019 in Budapest. The event was part of the "Promoting evidence-based media coverage of labour migration from Ukraine to V4 countries" project supported by the International Visegrad Fund.



Attila Bartha (Center for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Corvinus University of Budapest, Associate Professor; member of the Hungarian Europe Society): Beyond Ukrainian Labour Market Migration to Hungary: Economic Rationales and Discursive Patterns of Hungarian Labour Migration Policy

Ruslan Minich (Analyst, Europe Without Barriers, Kyiv): Ukraine's Labour Migration: Facts v Public Discourse

Erik Uszkiewicz (Vice-Chairperson, Hungarian Europe Society): Myths and Stereotypes about Ukrainian Labour Migration in Hungary

The Hungarian Europe Society organised an international workshop on European policy issues on 4 December 2009 in Budapest. The program of the workshop Tamás Molnár was interviewed by InfoRádió after the workshop Pictures of a Workshop
A press release itt olvasható.The Hungarian Europe Society held a press conference on 5 December 2012 to introduce the report written by its research team entitled "Where Does the PERC Index Stand? Or: From EU Destructives to Federalists: Relationship of the Hungarian Parties to the European Union...