Is there a Third Way between a Condemnation by the European Parliament and the "Nuclear" Option?
The Hungarian Europe Society organised a workshop entitled "Illiberal democracies – what can the European Union do in case a member state regularly and systematically breaches European values and regulations?" on 2 June 2015 in the European Parliament, Brussels.
List of participants
Open Society Foundations
Policy paper:
István Hegedűs, Zsuzsanna Végh: Illiberal Democracies: What can the European Union do in case a member state regularly and systematically breaches European values and regulations? July 2015
Media coverage:
Hungarian Spectrum, Will the European People's Party Abandon Viktor Orbán? Unlikely, 4 June 2015, Orbán miatt már kivágnák a Fideszt az Európai Néppártból, 2 June, Az EU nem fogja megbuktatni Orbánt - interview with Rui Tavares, Katalin Halmai, Népszabadság, 3 June 2015, Guevara szégyellné, Pál Dippold, 4 June 2015, Új fejezet kezdődött a magyarországi korrupcióban, 2 June 2015, Bréking: Kiszivárgott a forgatókönyv a liberális inkvizíció magyarfenyítéséről!! 1 June 2015
Temenos, Napi jegyzet, 3 June 2015, Műhelytanácskozás az EP-ben az illiberális demokráciáról, 2 June 2015
Klubrádió, News 12:00, Gábor Nemes, 2 June 2015
Klubrádió, News 14:00, Gábor Nemes, 2 June 2015
Klubrádió, Esti gyors, Gábor Nemes, 2 June 2015
8.15-8.45 Access to the European Parliament
8.45-9.15 Registration
9.15 Opening Remarks - István Hegedűs (Chairman, Hungarian Europe Society, Budapest)
9.30 1. Session – Illiberal democracies in the world: conceptual dilemmas and the increasing competition between different models of political regimes in the light of populist and nationalist tendencies in Europe
Introductory remarks (ten-ten minutes):
Kati Piri (Member of the European Parliament - S&D Group, Member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Partij van de Arbeid. Brussels): Do we have successful illiberal democracies? (tbc)
Takis Pappas (Associate Professor, Department of Balkan, Slavic & Oriental Studies, University of Macedonia, Greece, Visiting Fellow, Department of Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Florence): Left-wing populism: a threat to liberal democracy?
Jeremy Druker (Executive Director and Editor in Chief, Transitions, Prague): An authoritarian's bag of tricks for influencing the traditional and social media
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 2. Session - The state of democracy in Hungary: political and legal conflicts between the Hungarian government and the European institutions in the last five years
Introductory remarks (ten-ten minutes):
Rui Tavares (Historian, former Member of the European Parliament, Lisbon): The resolution of the European Parliament on the situation of fundamental rights in Hungary: clash between the values of the European Union and the majoritarian perception of democracy
Gábor Polyák (Director, Mérték Média Monitor, Budapest, Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität, Münster): European institutions defending media freedom and media pluralism in Hungary: what have they achieved?
Benedek Jávor (Member of the European Parliament – Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance, Vice-Chair of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Párbeszéd Magyarországért, Brussels): Recent Hungarian scandals about the use of EU funds
12.45 Lunch Break
14.15 3. Session - What can the European Union do in case a member state regularly and systematically breaches European norms and regulations?
Introductory remarks (ten-ten minutes):
Kim Lane Scheppele (Director, Program in Law and Public Affairs, Laurance S. Rockefeller Professor of Sociology and Public Affairs, Woodrow Wilson School University Center for Human Values, Princeton University): The systemic infringement action proposal and the European Commission
Carlos Closa (Director, Research Area European, Transnational and Global Governance, Global Governance Programme/Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole): Reinforcing rule of law oversight in the European Union
Dimitry Kochenov (Chair of EU Constitutional Law at the Department of European and Economic Law, University of Groningen): Europe's justice deficit
15.45 Coffee break
16.00 4. Session - European and national public spheres: the role of political elites, civil society and the media in contextualising and framing public discourse about fundamental all-European values
Introductory remarks (ten-ten minutes):
Jean-Paul Marthoz: (EU Correspondent, Committee to Protect Journalists, Brussels): Media freedom and pluralism under pressure in Europe
Ernst Stetter (Secretary General, Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Brussels): Populism in the European political debates
17.30 Summary and conclusion
Zsuzsanna Szelényi (Member of the Hungarian Parliament - Együtt Party)
17.45 Closing remarks
István Hegedűs (Chairman, Hungarian Europe Society, Budapest)