Evaluation of the Last Year

Evaluation of the Last Year


Petőcz György, Martin József Péter, Fóti Tamás, Hegedűs István, Hegedűs Nóra, Brückner Gergely

HES held its traditional annual workshop this time at the beginning of the year, on 3 January 2015. Members of the Society held presentations: firstly, Tamás Fóti spoke about the subject of "Juncker's Programme: Set a Thief to Catch a Thief?", secondly Gergely Brückner talked about the most important actors and mechanisms of the Fidesz economic heartland, and about the politically driven world of the oligarchs in Hungary, finally György Petőcz elaborated the new waves of Hungarian anti-governmental demonstrations organised on Facebook.

03 January 2015.
On 16 December 2009, HES members held presentations for HES members in the Hungarian House of Photography - Mai Manó House.
Hegedűs István, Koller Boglárka, Jürgen Dieringer, Molnár Anna
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