Nemzeti parlamentek az európai döntéshozatalban

Nemzeti parlamentek az európai döntéshozatalban


A MET részt vett a Közép-európai Egyetemen 2011. június 22-én megrendezett kerekasztal szervezésében.


“Scrutiny or benign neglect? How the region's national parliaments address EU affairs”

Venue: Popper Room, Monument Building, CEU (Budapest 1051 Nádor utca 9.)
Date: 9.15, 22 June 2011

The event was organised by the Central European University’s Jean Monnet Chair in European Public Policy and Governance in collaboration with the CEU Center for European Union Research (CEUR) and the Hungarian Europe Society.

The event brought together a small group of Members of Parliament as well as senior civil servants from the parliamentary administrations of several Visegrád countries. It featured two moderated discussion rounds which focus on particular aspects of the role of national parliaments in overseeing EU policy-making. The aim of the event was to raise awareness among researchers and the interested public alike of the crucial role national parliaments play in EU policy-making. The entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty has re-emphasised this dimension of EU governance. The event was organised as roundtable discussion with interventions by expert guest speakers, short start-up presentations by CEU researchers and open discussion. It was open to the public. Invited expert guest speakers included:

  • Ludìk Sefzig, Member of the Czech Senate Committee on EU Affairs
  • Ivan Štefanec, Chairman of the Slovak Parliament Committee on European Affairs
  • Katarína Kokavcová, Secretary of the Slovak Parliament Committee on European Affairs
  • Filip Ficner, Head of the Secretariat of the Czech Parliament Committee on European Affairs
  • Kaja Krawczyk, Lower Chamber, Head of the EU Unit, Liaison Officer with the EP, Poland
  • Vitezslava Fricova, Senate Chancellery, EU Unit
PDF ikon Program (EN)28.03 KB
2011 jún 22
A MET első évzáró műhelybeszélgetését 2005. december 7-én rendezte a Friedrich Naumann Alapítvány irodájában.
2006. december 18-án évzáró műhelykonferenciát tartott a MET a Ráday Könyvesházban.
Pat Cox, a Nemzetközi Európai Mozgalom elnöke, az Európai Parlament volt elnöke és a MET Tanácsadó Testületének tagja tartott előadást "Az Unió helyzete" címmel 2007. május 3-án.
MET-tagok tartottak előadást a társaság éves rendszerességű workshopján 2007. december 19-én.