No Turn, No Plan

No Turn, No Plan

Photo: Németh Dániel/444; Image source:

István Hegedűs gave an interview to Dnevnik on 23 February 2024 about the state of Hungarian politics after the resignation of the President of the Republic and the demonstration organised by influencers. 

István Hegedűs was cited in Le Monde on Viktor Orbán's early agnosticism on 29 April 2023.
An interview with István Hegedűs was published in Magyar Hang about the early years of Fidesz on 30 May 2023.
The article of István Hegedűs entitled "Európa-görcsök" ("Inflexibility towards Europe") was published in Népszava on 24 December 2002 about the completion of the accession negotiations between Hungary and the European Union
István Hegedűs gave a presentation entitled "Party Politics on European Matters and the Divide between Political Elites and Citizens in Hungary" at the conferen
István Hegedűs gave a presentation entitled "European Elections and European Party Politics: Lessons Learned from the Hungarian European Campaign" at the conference "European Elections between Domestic and European Politics – Sharing Best Practices" organised by the Centrul Român de Studii Global